Tuesday, August 17, 2004 

6:52 PM - WConv 11... or 12... or 13? Goddamnit.

All right, boys and girls. Here's the twelfth installment of the Weird Conversation Files of #Dilimanians. And only now do I realize I screwed up big time in the previous WConv Posting. The WConv I posted back in January was WConv11, not 12. I done boo boo. Supplying links to both items to clear things up.

Weird Conversations of #Dilimanians Volume 11 - NEW!
Weird Conversations of #Dilimanians Volume 12 - NEW!

Looking back at the post index... it looks like I've ALREADY posted WConv11 and 12... I am completely confused now. Himself, Nimo, anyone, do you have copies of the previously posted WConvs from #10 to #12? I think I may have (stupidly) overwritten them when I uploaded the new one.

  posted by Prankoys JJC

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