Saturday, January 31, 2004 

12:09 PM - Movie Reviews at the Features Section

LKS people,

If you're fond of watching movies both New and Old, and are willing to share experiences with us,
YOU are welcome to write at the LKSWeb NOW!

Kindly submit these articles to the address below.
The review must be at least at 100 words but must not exceed 1000(maximum), you can also attach some screenshots you found in the internet. Enclosed in your mail, kindly include a picture(if possible), a list of your top ten favorite movies of all time and a short bio. Thank you!

*Movies must be rated R-18 and below by the Movie Board

  posted by Jun Cristobal

Tuesday, January 27, 2004 


The yearbook is nigh upon us. Pull up your socks and get ready to pick it up or something.

[Update 013104: False alarm, folks. My bad. - Prankoys JJC]

  posted by Prankoys JJC

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