and more about the LKSweb To frequent visitors: Don't mistake this website only for a weblog, this site has got more than just updates. try looking at the features Section, we've got some nice articles up there too. You can expect better updates and features this year.Check this out, LKS Magazine, just some of the stuff you will find here at LKSweb. Check this site too! This is an extension of the LKSweb. You can also find Prankoy's blog at the Garden of Kadesh. Some weird stuff in store for you.
I am writing this, at the last hour of 2003, so far the most memorable year of my life. I have better plans this 2004, like taking this site out of tripod or at least take the address out of tripod. The last time I attempted it was December of 2002, which only resulted to a short lived web address., was almost possible, we just had no funds then. I can only promise to try my best.
I've got no more to say, I wrote a mile long update that went down the drain. I just decided to leave you with this quote. "Remember, as long as one keeps searching, the answers come" -The same quote that inspired me to graduate. Goodbye for now. Happy New Year dear friends and to my fellow FAG members (Mac,Vic,Kiko,AC,Eugene,Kevin,Constantine).
12:44 AM - Happy new year, and Friendster account.
Happy new year, everyone.
Well, someone suggested the creation of a Friendster account for this section, so I figured, what the hell.
Dump in the user search, add LKSantos as a friend, and wait for me to come back from Subic on the 2nd of January so I can approve it.
Let's try not to get our fingers blown off in the next few days, eh? Remember to lengthen your firecracker fuses, throw them as soon as you light them, and be sure what you're throwing away is the firecracker and not the lighter. And for god's sake, stay indoors or at least under a concrete slab, unless you want a stray bullet in your head.