Saturday, September 13, 2003 

7:35 PM - Morons.

Milo Philippines Discussion Board - You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and idiocy.

Oh, boy... And people ask me why I think there's no hope for this country (or the world, for that matter).

I posted a few flames there. Seeing as how my Yahoo e-mail address is visible on the site, I can expect to get a few unintelligible e-mails from them, probably containing lots of alternating letters, numbers, and the words f**k, s**t and a**hole spread out across the message.

Then again, they'd probably run out of brainpower halfway through navigating Yahoo's e-mail interface, so I probably won't receive anything. Oh well, I've got alternate sources of entertainment.

  posted by Prankoys JJC

Monday, September 08, 2003 

2:34 PM - Yearbook yadda-yadda

Ok, I've been able to ask Ma'am Soriano about the yearbook. Link to the log below. Now I need to go and get my new computer, Piece of S**t from PC Express.

Link thingie

  posted by Prankoys JJC

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